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Role models in the dwarfism community: Dr Judith Badner, MD

People with dwarfism are often stereotyped in popular media and culture. Yet our own voices are rarely heard; the full breadth of our contributions is rarely acknowledged. That’s why we embarked upon the RGA Dwarfism Role Models project – to amplify the voices of figureheads in our communities. In this installment, we had a chance to speak with the psychiatrist Dr Judith Badner, MD.Read More

Dwarfism, gaming, and the ‘butterfly-effect’ – a blog by Jacob Gould

My name is Jacob. I always introduce myself as a twenty-something software developer, gamer; who has a Christmas cracker sense of humour; a slight affinity for caffeine; and who just happens to have Achondroplasia.

I saw the RGA was running the #SpreadTheWord campaign – asking libraries and schools to stock books that show a positive image of dwarfism. I wanted to take part and contacted my old primary school to see if they’d welcome the books into their library. The current generation there would not have grown up with any real-life representation of dwarfism. They accepted my request and wanted me to revisit the school to deliver a presentation.Read More

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